for Los Angeles County District Attorney

Vote by November 5th, 2024!


Every Angeleno deserves the right to feel safe in the community they call home— to work or shop or send their kids to school or worship without fear that they will be the victim of a crime. Unfortunately, District Attorney George Gascon has made Angelenos feel less safe.

Independent Nathan Hochman Will Fight for A Safer LA

Nathan Hochman is prepared to do the job on Day 1.

A former federal prosecutor and U.S. Assistant Attorney General, Nathan Hochman has a record of protecting crime victims and enforcing the law fairly. He will restore trust in the District Attorney’s office and make our communities safer.

Nathan Hochman will remove politics from the DA’s office.

Too much of the news coming out of the District Attorney’s office is about scandals and infighting. A registered independent, Nathan Hochman will restore independence and integrity to the office, working with stakeholders on both sides of the political spectrum to improve public safety.

Nathan Hochman supports common sense reforms to improve public safety.

As the former president of the Los Angeles Ethics Commission, Nathan Hochman supports effective criminal justice reform. He believes we should be acting with compassion to prevent first-time, non-violent offenders from engaging in future offenses, and we need to restore rehabilitation opportunities for those suffering from mental illness or drug addiction.

George Gascon Has Lost the Public’s Trust

Violent crime is up in Los Angeles County under DA George Gascon.

While the homicide rate decreased nearly 16% statewide, in Los Angeles County, homicides increased 8% last year. During the first three years of George Gascon’s term as District Attorney, violent crimes in LA County rose 12%, robberies are up 16%, property crimes are up 20%, shoplifting is up 133%, auto theft is up 23% and burglaries are up 8%.

Source: LA Times, 7/4/24; ABC 7 News, 7/11/24

George Gascon refuses to prosecute criminals, leaving victims behind.

When George Gascon came to office, he banned his office from prosecuting a wide range of crimes, including resisting arrest, drug possession, and making criminal threats. Under DA Gascon, prosecutors filed charges in just 43% of misdemeanor cases presented by police in his first year in office. More than 42,000 misdemeanor cases were rejected countywide in 2021. Some cities in LA County have become so frustrated with Gascon’s refusal to file charges that they have sought to reclaim jurisdiction from his office. It has also been reported that the LA District Attorney’s office has a backlog of 15,000 unfiled cases it has not prosecuted. The law needs to be enforced.

Source: ABC 7 News, 12/10/20; LA Times, 4/1/22; Washington Examiner, 6/13/24

Los Angeles County Voters Have Lost Confidence in George Gascon.

According to August 2024 polling by the LA Times, 60% of likely voters said they felt public safety in the county had declined over the last three years. 53% of those who said public safety had declined said Gascón’s policies contributed “a great deal” to that decline. Just 20% of likely voters say they will vote for District Attorney George Gascon in November. George Gascon has lost the public’s confidence in his ability to keep us safe. It’s time for a change.

Source: LA Times, 8/18/04


Nathan Hochman

for Los Angeles County District Attorney

Vote by November 5th, 2024!